How to Work Your Way Out of Burnout (and prevent it from recurring!)

magnolia naturopathy burnout

Burnout is something I have worked with clients on a lot over the years. It is so common! We push and push through each day and we end up with not much left to give. We have all been there at some point in our lives. And burnout does not discriminate - it can happen to any of us and it has a way of sneaking up on us, often before we realise it’s happening.

So what can we do about this problem and how do we avoid it from happening again and again? Read on to find out.

#1 Reduce Stress

Stress reduction is the number 1 way to improve health outcomes for our overall health and wellbeing. In this day and age, some level of underlying stress is often part of our daily life, however, taking small and manageable steps to reduce our stress can go a really long way towards avoiding burnout in the long term. Of course there will always be stressful situations that are outside of our control, but taking steps to work on what is within our control is what is relevant here.

Steps to reduce stress may look like going for a walk, or stopping for a few minutes each day to take a few deep breaths, or taking some time out to meditate, or even taking a bit of time on the weekend to plan out your week, to reduce stress further during the week. Have a bit of a think about how stress reduction might look for you!

#2 Adequate & Quality Sleep

It is difficult to function throughout the day when we aren’t sleeping well or getting enough sleep. Again, there will sometimes be instances in life when there are factors outside of our control (such as newborns needing their parents through the night, for example), however these things aside, what can we do day to day to assist with both sleep onset and sleep maintenance?

Consider your sleep hygiene. I recommend to my naturopathy clients that they avoid screens for around 1 hour prior to bedtime. Dimming lights, and diffusing some relaxing essential oils can also be helpful in creating an environment conducive to better sleep. Avoid drinking excessive amounts of liquids before bedtime to minimise the chances of waking in the night to go to the toilet. Meditating or deep breathing at bedtime can also assist with getting you into a more relaxed state in preparation for sleep. Finally, ensure you are making an effort to prepare for bedtime at a reasonable hour to ensure you have the opportunity to actually get enough sleep.

In the long term, sleeping sufficiently in general can really assist with improving your health outcomes, reduce the risk of chronic disease, and of course will assist with reducing the chances of burnout. Stress reduction also plays a big part here with regards to regulating your circadian rhythm (cortisol and melatonin patterns).

magnolia naturopathy healthy food

#3 Diet & Hydration

For optimal health and wellbeing, a diet rich in a variety of whole foods, that is macronutrient balanced and rich in micronutrients, is essential. Of course, this doesn’t mean obsessing over eating perfectly all the time, but aiming to eat as well as we can, without it causing us additional stress, is so important. The 80/20 rule comes to mind here. For some people, this may mean taking baby steps to create changes bit by bit. Small changes over a period of time add up to big changes, after all.

I also cannot emphasise the importance of ensuring to stay adequately hydrated each day, to assist with detoxification processes and removing metabolic waste from our body. Filtered water is what I recommend to my clients - there are water filtration options to suit every budget. Just remember to drink most of your liquids at least 20 minutes away from meals, so that you’re not impeding digestive processes by diluting digestive secretions.

#4 Exercise

Regular movement is essential to out overall health and wellbeing. However this looks for you, aim to add movement into your routine 3-4 times a week. Keep in mind that intense exercise further increases cortisol levels, which can become problematic for someone who is already highly stressed or heading towards burnout, or already burnt out.

Find out what feels best for you. Is it slow movement such as walking or yoga? Or is it more intense movement such as running? Or perhaps something in between or a mixture of different types of movement. Whatever this look like for you, make it a regular routine and change it up depending on your needs.

#5 Book in with a Naturopath

Oftentimes, people find that they need a bit of an extra helping hand with getting the balance right in their day to day life. A naturopath can assist with advising you on all of the above, but with the addition of targeted herbal medicine and nutritional supplementation to bring about results for you much more quickly.

Through the use of herbal adrenal tonics, adaptogens, and other herbs to assist with reducing stress, improving sleep, and supporting other aspects of your health that need attention, naturopathy can help you to feel like your best self again.

I work online with clients all around Australia, and face to face with Brisbane clients. Is it time for you to book in for a naturopathy consult? Click HERE to book in and begin your naturopathic health journey.

About Magnolia Naturopathy

Magnolia Naturopathy is owned and operated by Brisbane naturopath and herbalist Iwa Brown. At Magnolia Naturopathy, we offer online telehealth naturopathy consultations to assist our clients all over Australia to reach their health goals. Contact us here to find out more, or book your online telehealth naturopathy appointment here


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